Last update on Jun.6, 2018

MAG-12 / MCAS Iwakuni
Unit Deployment Program
A-6 Intruder from VMA(AW)
(Nov.1975 - Mar.1992)

 20 Nov.1975 - May1976VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E received 11 A-6Es from VA-52 aboard CV-63.
An A-6E(ex.NG-503/VA-165/CV-64)
completed maintenance by NIPPI,
then was transferred to VMA(AW)-224 Feb.1976.

transferred 12 A-6Es to VMA(AW)-332.
 29 May1976 - 31 May1977VMA(AW)-332EA A-6E received 12 A-6Es from VMA(AW)-224.
received an A-6E as reinforcement.
lost 2 A-6Es during deployment.

9 A-6Es departed 31 May 1977.
transferred 2 A-6Es to VMA(AW)-121 via NIPPI.
 27 May1977 - May1978VMA(AW)-121VK A-6E 11 A-6Es arrived 27 May 1977.
received 2 A-6Es from VMA(AW)-332 via NIPPI.

13 A-6Es departed May1978.
 May1978 - May1979VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E 10 A-6Es arrived May1978.

8 A-6Es departed May1979.
transferred 2 A-6Es to VMA(AW)-332 via NIPPI.
 11 May1979 - May1980VMA(AW)-332EA A-6E 11 A-6Es arrived 11 May 1979.
received 2 A-6Es from VMA(AW)-224 via NIPPI.
received an A-6E as reinforcement.

14 A-6Es departed May1980.
 Apr.1980 - Oct.1980VMA(AW)-533ED A-6E
10 A-6E TRAMs arrived Apr.1980.
10 A-6E TRAMs departed Oct.1980.
 Oct.1980 - Apr.1981VMA(AW)-242DT A-6E 11 A-6Es arrived Oct.1980.
transferred all A-6Es to VMA(AW)-121.
 Apr.1981 - Oct.1981VMA(AW)-121VK A-6E received all A-6Es from VMA(AW)-242.
11 A-6Es departed Oct.1981.
Oct.1981 - Apr.1982VMA(AW)-533ED A-6E
11 A-6E TRAMs arrived Oct.1981.
An A-6E TRAM crashed into the sea on Feb.4, 1982
10 A-6E TRAMs departed Apr.1982.
 Apr.1982 - Oct.1982VMA(AW)-242DT A-6E
10 A-6E TRAMs arrived Apr.1982.
8 A-6E TRAMs departed Oct.1982.
transferred 2 A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-121.
 Oct.1982 - 20 Apr.1983VMA(AW)-121VK A-6E
8 A-6E TRAMs arrived Oct.1982.
received 2 A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-242.

10 A-6E TRAMs
departed from NAF Atsugi on 18 Apr.1983.
 20 Apr.1983 - Oct.1983VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E
11 A-6E TRAMs arrived Apr.1983.
transferred all A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-332.
 Oct.1983 - Apr.1984VMA(AW)-332EA A-6E
received all A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-224.
8 A-6E TRAMs departed Apr.1984.
transferred 3 A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-242
 Apr.1984 - Oct.1984VMA(AW)-242DT A-6E
7 A-6E TRAMs arrived Apr.1984.
received 3 A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-332
10 A-6E TRAMs departed Oct.1984.
 Oct.1984 - Apr.1985VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E
Some A-6E TRAMs arrived Oct.1984.
received a few A-6E TRAMs from VA-115.

transferred all A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-332.
 Apr.1985 - Oct.1985VMA(AW)-332EA A-6E
received all A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-224.
12 A-6E TRAMs departed Oct.1985.
 Oct.1985 - Apr.1986VMA(AW)-242DT A-6E
12 A-6E TRAMs arrived Oct.1985.
transferred all A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-224.
 Apr.1986 - Oct.1986VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E
received all A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-242.
transferred all A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-332.
 Oct.1986 - Apr.1987VMA(AW)-332EA
received all A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-224.
12 A-6E TRAMs departed Apr.1987.
Apr.1987 - Oct.1987VMA(AW)-242DT A-6E
12 A-6E TRAMs arrived Apr.1987.
An A-6E TRAM crashed into the Pacific Ocean on Jul.27, 1987
11 A-6E TRAMs departed Oct.1987.
 Oct.1987 - Apr.1988VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E
12 A-6E TRAMs arrived Oct.1987.
transferred all A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-332.
 Apr.1988 - Oct.1988VMA(AW)-332EA A-6E
received all A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-224
12 A-6E TRAMs departed Oct.1988
 Oct.1988 - Apr.1989VMA(AW)-242DT A-6E
10 A-6E TRAMs arrived Oct.1988
10 A-6E TRAMs departed Apr.1989
 Apr.1989 - Oct.1989VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E
10 A-6E TRAMs arrived Apr.1989.
transferred all A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-332.
 Oct.1989 - Apr.1990VMA(AW)-332EA A-6E
received all A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-224.
10 A-6E TRAMs departed Apr.1990.
 21 Apr.1990 - Jan.1991VMA(AW)-533ED A-6E
10 A-6E TRAMs arrived 21 Apr.1990.
10 A-6E TRAMs departed Jan.1991.
 Jan.1991 - Oct.1991VMA(AW)-332EA A-6E
12 A-6E TRAMs arrived Jan.1991.

6 A-6E TRAMs arrived 15 Jun.1991
6 A-6E TRAMs departed 18 Jun.1991.

7 A-6E TRAMs departed 4 Oct.1991.
transferred 5 A-6E TRAMs to VMA(AW)-224.
 Oct.1991 - 17 Mar.1992VMA(AW)-224WK A-6E
7 A-6E TRAMs arrived Oct.1991.
received 5 A-6E TRAMs from VMA(AW)-332.

12 A-6E TRAMs departed 17 Mar.1992.

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